Middle College High School at Vol State

seniors class of 2025 

Senior Class of 2025: 1st Day!


Seniors: Resources

What’s happening…

  • Transcript forms Must have parent's signature if under 18. Complete and give to Principal/Registrar.  Address labels are provided for certain colleges, if not, you are responsible for finding address or website information.
  • Seniors will have announced Senior Meetings with Mrs. Dorris on Fridays.
  • College Visit Request Form for Fridays:  Students can visit colleges only on Fridays with prior approval with the principal, counselor, and parent/guardian approval.

Important Links

Senior GUIDE abbreviated by Mrs. Dorris: ABCs of College App Week 2024-2025 

Great Link for resources: collegefortn.org

Questions to ask at a College Fair: Current_questions_to_ask_on_a_college_fair_worksheet.pdf






MCHS Mission

The mission of SCMCHS is to provide an opportunity for juniors and seniors to complete college courses on the campus of Vol State while pursuing their high school diploma.

MCHS Vision

SCMCHS students will complete all requirements for high school graduation while pursuing an Associate's degree or a minimum of 24 transferable college credits.  Graduating seniors can continue their education at VSCC, apply to a four-year college, or enter the workforce prepared to be a productive citizen.